Sabbatical FAQ

As announced on this blog post and during our May 19th service, Erik Bonkovsky, City Church's Senior Pastor, will take a sabbatical during the summer of 2024. While sabbaticals are a common practice in the Church as whole, we realize this concept is new for for some folks at City Church. We also realize that you might have questions–maybe even some concerns. See below for answers to some of the more frequently-asked questions.

1. What is a sabbatical? Is this just a really long vacation?

While a vacation could be considered a break from work, a sabbatical is rest from work. It is our hope that this sabbatical offers a time of renewal for Erik, for Erik and Sarah together, and for the entire Bonkovsky family after 16 years of service at City Church.

2. Is something wrong? Should I be worried?

Not at all. This is a good thing. And we’ve done this before! Erik took a sabbatical in 2017.

The fact that City Church is in a position for Erik to take a sabbatical points to the health and stability of our congregation. We view sabbaticals as an essential part of the rhythm of pastoral service to the church. City Church’s leadership and staff are glad to be able to give Erik this time to rest and step away from the intensity of his pastoral role.

3. When is Erik leaving and when will he be back?

Erik will worship with us on Sunday, June 9th; his sabbatical officially begins June 15th. He'll return to worship on September 8th—just in time for Welcome Back Sunday!

4. What will Erik do during his sabbatical?

A few different things. As stated, this sabbatical is meant to be a time of rest, renewal, and refreshment for Erik and his family. 

In June and July, Erik and Sarah will spend time in New England where he will be cycling as much as he can. In late July, the whole Bonkovsky family will spend a couple weeks together in Switzerland. August brings with it school and work commitments for Sarah and the kids, but Erik’s sabbatical will continue as he (hopefully) takes on an unpaid apprenticeship at a bakery.

He’ll also be doing a lot of reading and writing—but just for the joy of it.

5. What will the congregation be up to?

Just being the church. We’ll still worship at 4PM together every Sunday, and our summer programming (Sundays at the Park, 2nd Sunday Socials, Richmond Kickers Games, etc.) will press on as usual.

6. Who will preach?

Harrison will be preaching more regularly this summer. We’ll also welcome some guests to the pulpit.

7. What if I have pastoral emergency while Erik is on sabbatical?

City Church's pastoral staff, elders, Shepherding Committee, and deacons will be available to serve and care for you, as always. 

Should you have an emergency, you can contact them directly or get in touch with our Director of Administration, Val Catrow, at and she'll get you connected.

8. If I see the Bonkovsky family around town during Erik’ sabbatical, can I say “hello” to them?

Of course! Erik and his family will not be around City Church during his sabbatical, but they will be around Richmond for some of the summer. If you see them, you can talk to them. They are not in hiding.

9. What if I have more questions?

Please let us know. You can get in touch with Erik directly at; Harrison at; Andrew Bleckley, our Clerk of Session, at, or contact any member of the staff.


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