Q&A with Adam Bailey

Adam Bailey joined the City Church staff as our Music & Sound Director on September 1st. To help you all get to know him a little better, we asked him a few questions…

Where did you grow up? I was born in West Palm Beach Florida. We lived there for two more years until my younger sister was born.  We then moved back to Richmond where my parents grew up to be closer to family and old friends.  I was raised in Midlothian, Virginia 

What did you do after high school? Went to college (VCU, vocal performance) while working part time music jobs

What part of town do you live in now? North Chesterfield.

What are you excited about as you take on this new position? What are you nervous about? I am most excited about working with the music teams every Sunday to draw out their musical abilities. I am most nervous about learning the ins and outs of the sound board.

What does a typical weekday look like for you? My schedule changes every day.  Some days I work at night so I’m free during the days, others I work days and I’m free during the nights.

What does a typical weekend look like for you? Sunday is a full work day for me so I usually spend Saturday with my wife, Alycia, doing Richmond things that we can take our dog to and then I try to get another day of the week to spend as my Sabbath. 

What are some of your favorite books? The Chronicles of Narnia, Screwtape Letters, Kings Cross, and Mere Christianity are current reads.  I used to read a lot of fiction: Pendragon, Eragon, Artemis Fowl.

What is your favorite thing about Richmond? The diversity of people and foods.

How can the congregation be praying for you as you enter into your work here at City Church? That I would be focused on serving the Lord and not promoting myself.


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