A Lesson in God’s Timing from a Washed Out Ugandan Road

Last week I was driving home from work in my car. As I approached a stop sign, there was a longer than usual lineup of cars. When I came to a stop I could see that the delay was being caused by a work crew which was repairing a section of the road. By the time I moved past the nuisance my travel time had been expanded by two-and-a-half minutes—seemingly an eternity.

When Ben and Kim faced a much more serious road dilemma, they faced it with a different perspective. Ben, Kim, and their children are missionaries in Uganda, and during this past spring’s rainy season, the road going down the hill from their house became nearly impossible to pass. They worked with a local government official to recruit a crew to come and repair the road, but it continued rain, and broken municipal equipment meant a long wait was ahead.

In response to a tough situation, Ben and Kim responded with patience. Ben wrote in his newsletter that month, “We can wait on the Lord not only because everything depends on Him, but because we have confidence that His goodness and glory will be displayed. God will establish his goodness, no matter when the road is fixed, or how long it takes to save the lost, and we can be confident of that.”

Their attitude of patience and faithful service has been met with positive growth for their small mission community this year. The family has been back in Uganda since January 2017 following a trip home to rest and raise funds. Since their return, Ben has completed teaching at the Westminster Christian Institute, a Ugandan-led institution helping to train ministers and church leaders who the “Lord will use to reform and renew churches in Uganda and East Africa.” 

Ben has also worked with his team to clarify a vision for how the Lord wants to use the mission in the future. As a result of that vision, the team has begun to develop outreach ministries based on the needs of the community. One such outreach has been to help those in need to develop their small businesses to become self-sustaining. Ben shared the story of a local woman, Nalongo, who runs a small business selling chicken and chips (French fries) on the side of the main road in the evenings. This endeavor has allowed the team to help her review finances for her business and to engage in regular Bible study with Nalongo and others. 

A weekly group Bible study has been started with seven people in attendance. Ben shared that this Bible study has been a great place to get to know people better and continue learning about the spiritual needs and struggles of people in the community.  

Ben asked in his most recent newsletter for prayers—specifically, “that the Lord would give us a good picture of the needs and opportunities to serve ... [and] that He lead us to the right people to build relationships with and make inroads into the community.”

I don’t know if or when that road Ben mentioned ever got fixed. But I do know I’ll be keeping Ben, Kim, and their children in my prayers. And the next time I have a moment of impatience, I’ll think about a washed out dirt road in Uganda—and that God will establish his goodness, no matter how long it takes.

You can find out more online about Ben and Kim and how they are working to spread God’s work in Uganda or subscribe to their newsletter.


Announcements for the Week of 11.1.17


Announcements for the Week of 10.25.17