Exploring the Doctrine of the Incarnation: 5 Resources

This past Sunday I preached on the wonder of the incarnation and I suggested that—though it is the chief mystery of the faith—the more we study and reflect on this doctrine it will cause us to have a greater love, appreciation, and awe for Jesus.

To that end I want to highlight a few resources.

1. The Incarnation and Jesus Christ (in 90 Seconds) by Ryan Reeves
Can’t get much more introductory than this. Dr. Reeves is a professor of church history and has an excellent youtube channel that explains church history in easy-to-understand terms.

2. The Incarnation and Two Natures of Christ by Stephen Wellum
Part of The Gospel Coalition’s collection of essays introducing key doctrines of the faith. 

3. 5 Non-Negotiables from the Church Fathers on the Incarnation by Adriel Sanchez
Though firmly rooted in Scripture, the doctrine of the incarnation has been clarified throughout the centuries as it has been challenged by unorthodox teaching. This is a list of some key contributions throughout its history.

4. Incarnation: What Did Jesus Do?  by R.C. Sproul
Sproul has done more to provide theological instruction to church laity than almost anyone in the 20th century. This is a great example. There’s enough here to dig your teeth into but he keeps it accessible. 

5. On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius
Written in the 4th century, this is one of the foundational works explaining the doctrine of the Trinity. If you’re not used to reading ancient theology—and who is?—this is a helpful introduction to the book that will help you get your footing.


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