“knowing that God hears and answers us.”

As the members of the City Church Communications Team get ready each year to create the Annual Report, we consider two things:

  1. How do we share the story of the City Church community over the last year?

  2. What do we want our people to experience as they interact with that story?

For 2023’s Annual Report, we decided to create a visual keepsake—something to preserve our connection to the events of the past year and to the people who were along for the ride.

We also decided to ground this effort in the familiar.

Those who worship with us regularly know that once a month or so we take time during our worship service for something we call the Prayers of the People. It’s a chance for us to pray for the needs of our community, our church, and its people. And it’s an opportunity to praise God for the work He has done and will do for us and through us. We do this, as our bulletin states, “knowing that God hears and answers us.”

This report aims to do the same thing. 

We are proud to present to you…

Prayers of the People

City Church of Richmond’s
2023 Annual Report

This Annual Report is comprised of prayers thoughtfully written by you: the people of City Church. We’ve paired these prayers with original artwork, also created by members of our congregation. Each prayer and each piece of art responds to a particular theme of life at City Church in 2023: Family, Finances, Fellowship, Formation, Flourishing, and Faith. You’ll also find supplementary materials that offer a more comprehensive understanding of our shared journey in 2023.

Our hope is that as you read these prayers, admire this artwork, and soak up the information shared that you won’t stop there. We hope you’ll find a connection that prompts your own reflection and prayer in response to our life together…our past, our present, and all that God holds for us in the future.

So. Let us pray.

City Church of Richmond’s Communications Team

Val Catrow, Phil Edwards, Jordan Greene, Rachel Hill, and Sabrina Parrott

Download a PDF version of these prayers or email info@citychurchrva.com to arrange picking up a printed set.