Top 10 Reasons to Come to Sunday Formation

Number 10: It starts next week, not this week so you won’t miss the Superbowl.

Number 9: It’s only an hour. It lasts from 5:30 to 6:30 and staff try to be very respectful of time.

Number 8: There is free food!

Number 7: It’s not meant to be Second Sermon (more of a discussion format with small groups)

Number 6: There are programs for the whole family (adults, high school, middle school, elementary school, little ones)

Number 5:  Get to meet new people you may not get to interact with during the church service.

Number 4: Introverts, coming from an introvert, it isn’t painful. You will be okay.

Number 3: We will be discussing cultural topics through the lens of Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration. This is a great opportunity to help us frame these topics in our own lives.

Number 2: There is free food!

Number 1: Someone else takes great care of your kiddos for an hour!

There you have it, Top Ten Reasons for Attending Sunday Formation Please consider joining us. It starts immediately after the service next week, from 5:30 to 6:30PM.

We’re excited to have you join us for Sunday Formation this Spring. For more details, check out the event listing.


Spring Service Opportunities


This Month’s Prayer Needs: February 2022