Mentoring at City Church

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise…”
(Proverbs 13:20)

Why Mentoring?
All of us desire to live a life well-lived. But there’s no formula, no roadmap. Much of the time as we walk through life we are left feeling like we have no idea what we’re doing.

Thankfully, as we go through life we gain experience and that experience produces wisdom. Throughout Scripture, wisdom—the art of living well—is meant to benefit others by being passed down from generation to generation (Ps. 145:4: “One generation shall commend your works to another…”). The primary avenue for this transfer of wisdom is interpersonal relationships, or what is informally called “mentoring.” 

In the past mentoring has occurred organically, but the isolating effects of modern life have left us without these guiding relationships. At City Church we want to reclaim these important relationships by facilitating them among our congregants, pairing individuals up and providing monthly guides for mentoring conversations.

How Will This Work?

By the beginning of September we will match you with another person from the church. You will meet once a month from September to December. At the beginning of each month you will receive a guide that includes a topic to discuss—things like purpose, vocation, and community—and prompts to help get that conversation started.

If this seems overwhelming to you, don’t worry—you don’t have to be a super Christian or guru to participate in mentoring. All it requires is the willingness to be inquisitive about another person’s life, to listen to them, and to be willing to speak from your own experience and from the Word. JB Burtch—our Director of Mentoring—is also available to foster these mentoring relationships and answer any questions that might come up as you meet.

Next Steps

If you are interested in participating in Mentoring at City Church, please register by August 21st using the this form and plan on attending a brief informational meeting after the worship service on August 28th.


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