A Seat at the Table: City Church of Richmond’s 2021 Annual Report

As Erik always says, City Church likes to throw good parties. Central to every good party is the food you serve—the meal that brings everyone together to enjoy one another’s company and God’s provision.

The concept of such a meal—a family meal, specifically—is what brings you this annual report. As we began to explore how to capture the events in the life of City Church in 2021, we learned quickly that we all had the same goal: we want everyone who sees this report to walk away from it feeling encouraged and included.

What better way to do that than to offer you all a seat at the table?

Each aspect of this annual report plays on the idea of the different elements of a meal. It’s our hope that as you move through each course, you’ll be reminded of our lives together as a church family in 2021. And we hope you’ll see yourself reflected here—in the memories, the photos, yes, even the data.

We’ve also included a recipe or two in each section from members of the City Church community. Some are old City Church favorites; others offer something new. As you make use of them, we pray that they serve as yet another touchpoint between you and our lives together at City Church. As you make Meg Haden’s “2021 Golden Rolling Pin Winning Apple Blossom Tart” or Nate Wise’s “Wings Every Way,” we want you to think of them, to think of your entire church family and all that happened last year, and to remember that you always have a seat at this table.

Stay well and do good,
The City Church Communications Team
(Val Catrow, Phil Edwards, Rachel Hill, and Sabrina Parrott)

Read our 2021 Annual Report.


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