Q&A with Sarah Lyon

Sarah Lyon joined the City Church staff on June 14th as our new Director of Children’s Ministry. Here’s a chance to get to know her a little better!

Where did you grow up? What's your origin story? My parents were both in the US Air Force, so growing up we lived a lot of places including California, Nebraska, DC, and even England for a few years. We settled after my dad retired in Bucks County, Pennsylvania about an hour north of Philadelphia, so that is "home" for all intents and purposes.

How did you end up in Richmond? My husband, Peter, took the job as Campus Minister for Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at VCU in the summer of 2019.

What's your favorite thing about living in Richmond? I can't pick just one, but ONE of my favorite things is how much Richmonders love this town. Every person has a favorite park, restaurant, coffee shop, and it's all local and uniquely Richmond. Why go anywhere else?

What does a typical weekend look like for you? I love a good slow-paced Saturday. Usually a long run, some time with larger family (my extended family lives in Williamsburg), shopping for and cooking a big meal, and taking the kids to playgrounds/parks, etc.

What are some of your favorite books? I love mystery novels—my favorite fiction book series right now is the Inspector Gamache books by Louise Penny. I have also dug into some more challenging and formational reads over the last year. The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by Mark Comer; The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander; and Compassion & Conviction by Chris Butler, Justin Giboney, and Michael Wear are a few of the more recent ones.

What are you looking forward to as you start your work here at City Church? I am looking forward to getting to know the families and children of City Church better. Pete and the kids and I have loved having City Church as our home since we moved here, and on the other side of the pandemic, I am really looking forward to the opportunities that this role will provide to meet, listen to, pray for, and live life alongside our City Church family.

How can the congregation be praying for you? I want to approach this job with open ears to listen, an attitude of humility, and a heart that seeks first what God desires for Children's Ministry here at City Church, for our church as a whole, and for me personally. I would feel honored to have the congregation praying for me in that way.

To get in touch with Sarah, email her at sarah@citychurchrva.com.


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