Update: COVID-19 Protocols

Dear City Church,

In light of new guidance provided by the CDC and state officials, our staff and Re-Opening Task Force have made adjustments to our COVID-19 protocols for our worship services.

We’ll make these adjustments in two stages.

Effective this Sunday, May 23rd, we are lifting masking and social distancing requirements for fully vaccinated individuals.

We ask that individuals who are not vaccinated and over the age of 3 wear masks while inside, in line with CDC and state recommendations.

We are aware that some vaccinated members of our community need or want to continue masking and distancing, and we support them in doing whatever makes them feel comfortable.

June will bring more substantial changes. Beginning with our June 6th service:

  • We will no longer require registration or assign seats for our worship services.

  • We will return to our practice of distributing communion at the front of the church. If you prefer to continue taking communion from your seat, pre-packaged materials will be available at the Welcome Table.

  • We will provide nursery for the duration of the service and will include additional classes. During this phase, nursery will serve ages 6 months through 3 years. We will also start making use of our check-in system again. Additional details on the specifics for nursery are coming soon.

For more details on these changes, please review our Frequently Asked Questions.

As we look forward to these changes, we also offer a couple reminders… 

First, we ask that you continue to self-monitor your symptoms and to not attend in-person worship if you or anyone in your household has been sick or is showing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, loss of taste/smell, GI issues). 

Second, please continue to be flexible given how unpredictable this pandemic has been. While we are encouraged by the progress being made and optimistic that conditions will continue to improve, our Re-Opening Task Force will remain vigilant in making sure our COVID-19 protocols are in line with the most current safety guidelines. 

During a time when our risk and comfort levels vary, we want to hold closely to the sentiment we shared last June when we returned to in-person worship: 

“We are keen to return to worship while living with grace and charity towards one another. The practical shape of living with grace right now means reserving judgement against others who may make decisions for themselves and their families that are different than ours [...] We are committed to unity of love without uniformity of position.”

Together let’s be safe, smart, and charitable.

We also want to note that these changes to our Sunday services all require volunteers. If you’re new to City Church and haven’t had the opportunity to serve, or if you’ve been with us for a long time and simply got out of the habit, we hope you’ll engage with this essential part of life as the church. Service opportunities include nursery, Children’s Worship, facilities, welcome team, communion bread baking, and music. To join a volunteer team, please reach out to the church staff—we’d love to connect you.

We’re looking forward to moving into this next phase of life and worship at City Church! 

Stay well and do good.

City Church Staff and Re-Opening Task Force


Parenting with Heart Seminar


Re-Opening FAQs