Deacon Nominations

Dear City Church Family:

The Session has decided to receive nominations for the office of deacon at City Church between now and the end of November.

The office of deacon is one of sympathy and service that operates under the supervision of the Session. Deacons are responsible for ministering to those who are in need, the sick, and the friendless. They have a particular emphasis on the physical and material concerns of the church and its congregation. The areas of City Church ministry for which deacons are responsible include: Finances, Facilities, Mercy/Justice, Welcome, and the Mercy Fund.

The office of deacon is described in Acts 6, where the elders of the early church identify and set apart deacons for the specific work of service. For more information on deacons, see the attachment that contains sections from the Bible and the PCA’s Book of Church Order, outlining the qualifications and work of deacons.

Each potential deacon should be an active male member of the church. It is advisable that you talk with any potential nominee to see whether he is willing to be nominated. Nominations can be made between now and November 30. To nominate a man as a deacon, please send an email to Erik (

Early in 2018, Erik will coordinate a training class instructing candidates in the qualifications and work of deacons. This training will be open to all (not just deacon nominees). It is expected that in addition to electing deacons, the Session, in collaboration with the deacons, will select and appoint men and women as Diaconal Assistants to partner with the deacons in their work. We encourage anyone interested to participate in the training. Please contact Val ( if you want to be informed of the training class details as they are finalized.

This process of nominating, training, and electing deacons is one that will help City Church better care for its members and serve the city of Richmond. We are grateful for God’s grace in leading us here. Please pray for His continued favor and our collective wisdom as we move forward together.

Erik, for the Session 


Shedding, Preparing, Replacing


Announcements for the Week of 11.15.17